[Download Now] Brenda Turner – 30 Day Lean Reset
Salepage: Brenda Turner – 30 Day Lean Reset
What Is The 30 Day Lean Reset?
This is a Program & Course combined!
You’ll be getting day by day workouts, specific nutritional recommendations, recipes & everything you need to start making the massive changes you’ve been wanting to make.
We hit the ground running on Day One, taking you through a very profound life inventory, and goal setting jam session…
…And this lesson on learning the right way to do important, foundational exercises, with six different, detailed videos within this lesson alone!
This program is stuffed to the brim with everything you’ll need to become your best you. All you need to do is show up and do the homework!
There are 30 days of transformative mind & body lessons, with detailed video instructions, explanations, and printable course materials to help you along the way.
What You’ll Receive:
- 30 Days of lessons detailing techniques to help you attain a high level of mental and physical wellness, Including video instructions & written material
- 30 Days of workouts you can do anywhere, no equipment necessary
- Lean Reset Goal & Focus Pages, developed using the best principles of success mentors like Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and Napoleon Hill. You’ll use these every day for years to come.
- Lean Reset Planner Pages, which combines the best productivity and success techniques from top level performers
- Nutrition Sheets giving you specific guidelines for the next thirty days & beyond
- A Recipe & Meal Idea E-Book
Who Is The 30 Day Reset For?
This course is for anyone who wants a boost in their mental, physical, and emotional well being. If you want to improve yourself, and allow your higher self to burst through over the next 30 days, this is the perfect course for you.
It will especially benefit anyone who has 30 or more pounds to lose, those “starting over” in their fitness journey, and anyone thinking “Where the HECK do I even start.” This is the perfect place to start, or to pick up where you left off.
If you want to make the best of your unique body type, and not struggle to fit an unhealthy ideal, this course is for you.
If you want to adopt new, empowering mental tools, techniques, exercises, & perspectives that apply to every area of your life, this course is for you.
If you want a healthy, sensible, enjoyable, and sustainable approach to fat loss, this course is for you.
And while I love to geek out on the complicated. science heavy aspect of fitness, I purposely kept all the snooze inducing jargon to a minimum.
Each lesson is right to the point, said in plain english, and giving you fluff-free & down to earth lessons on how to get into the best shape of your life.
What this course is about
Here’s the truth…Fat loss is all about adding in as many health boosting techniques as possible. That’s why there’s no such thing as a “best diet”. A good diet is fantastic, but that’s only part of the equation. To get lasting results, and to never have to diet again in your life, it’s a good idea to nurture the big four:
– Mental exercises that can eliminate self sabotage, and nurture success in every area of life
-How to set meaningful, life changing goals, and actually hit your targets.
-How to effectively track your progress and stay on track
–A game-changing morning and nighttime ritual that will refocus your days
–A step by step guide on foods to eliminate, and foods to add in
–Money saving strategies and storage tips for saving wads of cash on groceries
–Setting up your kitchen (and home) total health and wellness
–Simple cooking techniques that add tons of flavor to your food
–How to know exactly how much protein, carbs, and fats are right for YOU. (kiss those online calculators goodbye)
-How to step up your smoothie game – Smoothie tricks to heal your gut, make your skin glow, and work better than any multi vitamin!
– 30 workouts designed for fat loss, balance, coordination, and enhanced mind-muscle connection. No gym equipment needed!
– How to adjust your workouts with your energy. So many people push through workouts when they’re tired, but you can actually use your workouts to GIVE your body energy. You’ll learn how to read your body, and what to do when.
– The best type of cardio, no matter what your fitness level (hint: its NOT long jogging sessions)
– How to do 4-10 minute workouts that actually work i.e. make you look and feel lighter, fitter, and full of energy
– The crucial rule that will speed up your progress more than ANY OTHER tip
– How to meditate, and why you should meditate if you want to look and feel your best
– Bed time rituals that enhance hormones and help your body burn fat faster
– The how and why behind electronic fasting
– Planned adventures disconnect you from the incessant chatter of the mind. Here’s how to use planned adventures to rewire your brain, and decrease your cortisol levels.
This course is 30 days long, and filled to the brim with life-changing material. It is my absolute honor and pleasure to bring this program to you, and I anxiously await your before & after pictures!
Delivery Method
– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
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