“In A 4 Part Audio Class, I Put Tom Venuto – A Master Bodybuilder and True Fat Loss Expert – On The Spot With A Live Audience And Grilled Him With Questions – In The End, Tom Revealed Step-By-Step, Scientifically Proven Ways For You To Burn Fat And Sculpt The Sexy, Healthy, Lean Body You Know You Deserve – Now You Too Can Grab This Exclusive Audio, And See Real, and Permanent Results With Your Body, Guaranteed!”
You’ll find out:
- Why most people who try to gain muscle, gain more FAT than muscle, becuase they don’t know one simple nutrition princple. You’ll learn how to avoid this common pitfall.
- Why most people NEVER lose weight, because they miss the one critical element of a successful fat burning program. hint: it has to do with the way alsmost everyone is “starving themselves”
- What’s the deal with supplements? Do they work? Which supplements are a complete waste of money and which actually work in helping your body function at its optimal health.
- What is the best set and repetition scheme for building muscle?
- What are the most effective exercises guaranteed to help you gain muscle?
- The secret of “nutrient timing” – Adding this one element to your training can make the difference between no results and success.
- The ONE thing you must do at the end of each day, for 5 minutes, to guarantee your success. hint: it doesn’t involve eating or exercise. Tom said this is the most critical point to remember daily.
- The 2 “must-do” habits of muscle gaining that will maximize your results.
- The #1 most important key to gaining muscle. If you get nothing out of this audio but this part, you’re guaranteed to build muscle effectively.
- Strategies you can use to plan out healthy and nutritious meals around a very busy work schedule.(We knew this was a very big issue for a lot of people, so we covered it fully and in great detail)
- Overcoming food cravings. How to make sure you stick to your nutrition plan.
- How to use the power of associations and pain & pleasure to curb your appetite and stop comfort eating.
- How to overcome plateaus (slow or no results) in your training by understanding the laws of adaptation and muscle confusion.
- How to gain muscle even if you think you’re limited by your “body type”, your genetics, or gender.
- How to develop DIE-HARD consistency with your exercising, training, and eating habits, to set yourself up for success.
- How to build a diet that totally empowers you, keeps your body energized and lets your body burn fat. While you enjoy what you’re eating.
- How to “reprogram” your subconscious mind for die-hard persistence. Once you listen to this part, and do the mind-training Tom has you do, you’ll laugh at how much you used to “procrastinate” before.
- How the secret of one of the most successful NFL football coaches of all time will transform your view of nutrition, and let you achieve the lean body you want in record time.
- Changing your focus to make sure you have an incredible amount of energy all day to achieve your body and health goals. (This one method is worth the entire tele-seminar series)
- A way to overcome the biggest obstacle in improving your body. The old “I don’t have the time” problem. How to “find the time” and transform your body despite your busy schedule.
- A powerful method to make sure you never get “bummed out” and “de-motivated” so you’ll never have to “make” yourself get up and take action.
- A mental mind-game to do every morning, to get your mindset set on success every day. If you do this, you’ll never fall into self-sabotage again.
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